Musashino City
HIRAO Michio
Maibara City
Shiga Prefecture
KATO Kenichi
Former Mayor
Odawara City
Kanagawa Prefecture
SAKURAI Katsunobu
Former Mayor
Minamisouma City
Fukushima Prefecture
Former Mayor
Tokai Village
Ibaraki Prefecture
Former Mayor
Kosai City
Shizuoka Prefecture
SATO Kazuo
Former Mayor
Koganei City
Secretary General
The “Mayors for a Nuclear Power Free Japan” network was officially launched in Tokyo on April 28, 2012. This network was initiated by mayors and local municipal leaders attending the Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World held in Yokohama in January 2012 (see here for more information), and as at October 15, 2014, 100 mayors from 39 prefectures (of a total of 47) throughout Japan have declared their participation in this network.
For more information about the network’s goals, members, and the founding concept and principles, please see here.
Public Forum, March 14
Mayors for a Nuclear Power Free Japan supports the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction.
UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 Sendai Japan
Public Forum, March 14
Nuclear Disaster Risk Reduction and the Role of Local Government
Lessons and Challenges
The Fukushima crisis taught us that nuclear disasters must be included in disaster management planning. Japanese local governments within 30km of nuclear plants must make evacuation plans, however, the Fukushima disaster affected areas beyond this radius. Mayors must protect our citizens’ lives and assets. We will discuss the lessons learnt and our ongoing challenges.
-Mr. SAKURAI Katsunobu (Mayor Minamisouma City, Fukushima prefecture, Japan)
-Mr. BABA Tamotsu (Mayor Namie Town, Fukushima prefecture, Japan)
-Mr. MURAKAMI Tatsuya (Former Mayor Tokai Village, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan)
-Mr. KAMIOKA Naomi (Head of the Research Institute for the Environment and Economics, Japan)
-Mr. Olivier Florens (Deputy President of the General Council of Vaucluse, France)
Simultaneous interpreting provided.
Date and Time: 14 March (Sat)17:30〜19:30(venue opens at 17:15)
Place: Sendai Park Bldg. TKP Garden City Sendai Kotodai Hall 5
This session is supported by ‘Act Beyond Trust’.
Resolutions and Statements
2016 Apr 17 A request to the government not to prolong the lives of aging No.1
and No. 2 reactors of the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant
2016 Apr 17 A request to approve a consent right on resumption of nuclear
reactors to be granted to the neighbouring municipalities that may
become victims of potential nuclear accidents
2016 Apr 17 A request to revise the law on final disposal methods and stipulate a law that ensures the final disposal site is decided with the consent of local mayors
2016 Apr 17 Emergency statement to request a revision of projections of the magnitude of potential earthquakes
and their effects on nuclear power plants, based on the Kumamoto earthquakes
2015 Oct 18 Proposal Regarding the Restarting of the Shikoku Electric Power Company Ikata Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3
2015 May 20 In strong Opposition to 20-22% Nuclear Power in the 2030 Energy Mix
2014 July 12 Protest against the appointment of Tokyo University’s Professor Tanaka Satoru to the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) Committee
2014 April 26 Opposition to the Reactivation of Kyushu Electric’s Sendai Nuclear Power Plant
2014 April 26 Resolution for confirmation that nuclear power plants will not be reactivated unless practical evacuation plans are put in place
2014 April 26 Resolution to Drastically Reconsider the New Basic Energy Plan
2013 December 15 A Resolution to Strongly Oppose the New “Basic Energy Plan” that makes Nuclear Power an “important base-load power source that serves as a foundation”
2013 December 15 Resolution to Liquidate TEPCO and Demand that the Government Take Full Responsibility for Dealing with the Aftermath, and Providing Compensation for the Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, such as Taking Measures to Control the Contaminated Water
2013 December 15 A Resolution to Request that it be made compulsory for Nuclear Power Companies to Subscribe to a Nuclear Power Compensation that Corresponds to the Realities of the Possible Damage
2013 September 19 An Urgent Request concerning the Basic Policy Proposal for the Children and Victims Protection Law
2013 April 28 Letter of Request
2012 Dec 15 Statement on the Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety
2012 July 31 Statement Regarding the New Basic Energy Plan
2012 June 18 Objection to Decision to Restart the Ohi Nuclear Power Plant
2012 June 8 Letter of Request
Press Release
2013 June 20 Press Release / Schedule
2012 July 22 Seminar
International support messages
<April 8, 2012 The Japan Times>
“Mayors organize antinuclear forum”
<April 29, 2012 The Japan Times>
“Antinuclear mayors want abolition of atomic power included in new basic energy plan”
<May 31, 2012 The Japan Times>
“Tokai mayor at front of antinuclear drive”
<June 17, 2012 Environment News Service>
“Japanese Mayors Protest Restart of Nuclear Power Plant”
<June 18, 2012 Mediapart (French) >
<June 18, 2012 Blottr>
“73 Japanese mayors join forces to protest re-starting of nuclear power plant”
<June 18, 2012 Enformable>
<June 19, 2012 新民网 (Chinese) >
<June 21, 2012 人民网 (Chinese) >
<July 28, 2012 Celsias>
“Mayors for Nuclear Power free Japan”
<August 1, 2012 Japan Press Weekly>
“Mayors’ group issues proposal to break with nuclear power”
<March 7, 2013 (German) >
“Ex-Bürgermeisterin aus der Präfektur Fukushima besucht Konstanz ”
<March 12, 2013 Süedkurier (German) >
“Japanerin erinnert an Atomkatastrophe ”
<March 19, 2013 Badische Zeitung (German) >
“Es bleibt die Sorge um viele Kinder in Fukushima”
<March 28, 2013 WESER KURIER (German) >
“Auf der Flucht vor der atomaren Strahlung”
<April 1, 2013 商業周刊 (Chinese) >
<May 23, 2013 General Anzeiger (German) >
“Japanische Besucher suchen nach Alternativen zur Atomenergie”
<May 24, 2013 Wochenspiegel (German) >
“Japanische Atomkraftgegner besuchen Simmerath”
<May 24, 2013 Bundes Presse Portal (German) >
“Bürgermeister aus Fukushima wollen Energiewende kennen lernen ”
<May 28, 2013 Allgemeine Zeitung (German) >
“Besuch aus Japan will Atomausstieg ”
<May/June, 2013 Neue Energie Technologien – Journal (German) >
“Japanische Ex-Burgermeisterin Hiroko Uehara reflektiert die Katastrophe von Fukushima”
<Sep 21, 2013 The Japan Times >
“Murakami, Tokai crisis mayor, officially retires”
<Nov 12, 2013 주간경향 (Korean) >
“[특집| 피스&그린보트]‘원전의 비극’ 어느나라나 똑같다”
<December 23, 2013 The Asahi Shimbun >
“Nuclear power backers picking up steam on reactor restarts ”
<January 20, 2014 Mainichi >
“Famous anti-nuclear mayor in Fukushima Pref. wins re-election”
<January 31, 2014 Mainichi >
“Officials in prefectures with nuclear plants keep close eye on Tokyo gubernatorial race”
<March 5, 2014 新網報導 (Chinese) >
<March 5, 2014 yam蕃薯藤新聞 (Chinese) >
<March 5, 2014 中時電子報 (Chinese) >
<March 5, 2014 中時電子報 (Chinese) >
<March 5, 2014 蘋果日報 (Chinese) >
<March 6, 2014 Kyodo >
“Ex-Japanese mayors urge Taiwan to expand nuclear evacuation zones”
<March 6, 2014 新唐人亞太電視台 (Chinese) >
<March 6, 2014 環境資訊中心 (Chinese) >
<March 6, 2014 自由電子報 (Chinese) >
“日核災區町長:回鄉 要等500年”
<March 6, 2014 自立晩報 (Chinese) >
<March 6, 2014 中時電子報 (Chinese) >
<March 6, 2014 中新网 (Chinese) >
<March 6, 2014 大紀元 (Chinese) >
<March 7, 2014 PNN 公視新聞議題中心 (Chinese) >
<March 7, 2014 蘋果日報 (Chinese) >
<March 7, 2014 自由時報 (Chinese) >
<March 7, 2014 大纪元 (Chinese) >
<March 7, 2014 苦勞網 (Chinese) >
<March 7, 2014 中央社 (Chinese) >
<March 8, 2014 中時電子報 (Chinese) >
<March 8, 2014 聯合新聞網 (Chinese) >
“308廢核遊行 北中南東4路進擊”
<March 8, 2014 新頭殼newtalk (Chinese) >
<March 8, 2014 新頭殼newtalk (Chinese) >
<March 8, 2014 The Economist >
“Anti-nuclear protest in Japan”
<March 10, 2014 中新网 (Chinese) >
<March 10, 2014 한겨레 (Korean) >
<April 13, 2014 Mainichi >
“Ex-mayor of nuclear-reliant village voices opposition to nuclear power”
<August 7, 2014 Memleket (Turkish)>
“Japon belediye başkanlarından Sinop’a “nükleer” uyarısı”
<September 28, 2014 Mainichi>
“Ex-mayor raps gov’t before 15th anniv. of Japan’s 1st criticality accident”
<September 30, 2014 The Japan Times>
“Former Tokai mayor says Japan is sleep-walking toward further nuclear disasters”
<October 22, 2014 FINANCIAL TIMES>
“Japan: Power switch weighs on Abe”
<October 25, 2014 自由時報 (Chinese) >
“日本討論重啟核電 經濟仍難脫困境”
<May 25, 2015 The Asia-Pacific Journal >
“Fukushima and the Crisis of Democracy: Interview with Murakami Tatsuya”
<Aug11, 2015 South China Morning Post >
“Japan restarts nuclear reactor four years after Fukushima disaster”
<Aug12, 2015 The Japan Times >
“Protesters gather as reactor in Kagoshima restarts”
<Apr18, 2016 The Japan Times >
“Despite assurances, quakes prompt calls to switch off Japan’s nuclear reactors“